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Marine Managers and Vessel Operators

Need Better Insights?

Digitalise your entire maritime operation with SeaLogs

Digital Logbooks

Capture crew training and drills digitally in SeaLogs


record across your account using SeaLogs' reporting section


Gain insights into whats happening onboard your vessel using SeaLogs

Struggling to find out what’s happening onboard your vessel?


SeaLogs is designed for all vessels and types of operations

We specialize in helping your crew adopt our digital platform to generate insights and advance your business.

Zero Computer Skills Needed

Works For Every Type Of Vessel

Record & Report like a Pro

SeaLogs - Explore testimonial
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 Enhanced Compliance

 Digital logbooks minimize errors

 Decrease Downtime

Prevent failures with tracked maintenance

Improved Safety

Consistent training for all crew members

Increased Revenue

Insightful reports to grow your business

World Class Operations Love Using SeaLogs

Operating a marine business isn't based on guesswork

Save up to 7 hours a week filling out paper logs

Throw away the paper, it's time to go digital with SeaLogs onboard your boat

Reduce Audit time by around 25%

Be ready for a maritime audit at all times. Save audit time and reduce costs.
Comply with the maritime regulations using SeaLogs

Enhance Compliance and improve Safety

Learn how Explore Group uses SeaLogs

SeaLogs - Explore testimonial
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SeaLogs works where you do

Simplifying Maritime Management across a range of variety of industries

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Stay updated with Passenger numbers onboard

Keep everyone safe onboard by improving communication between the Admin team ashore and the Crew onboard

"SeaLogs has transformed
our record-keeping"

Sam - Port of Auckland

"Switching to SeaLogs isn't difficult!"

- Scott Burk, SeaLogs customer

Schedule a demo today


Use onboard


Go digital

Schedule a demonstration call with a SeaLogs team member

Trial alongside your paper-based system onboard the boat

Discover the valuable insights from onboard data in the Reports section

Join the evolution of customers who use SeaLogs in their daily business. No more paper.

Jump on a demo call and see for yourself

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